Tuesday, November 16, 2010

As of late...

I have fallen, yet again, off the blogging band wagon. Life has been busy and I've been lazy. I also have been using Google Reader to read all my blogs and I since I don't have to sign in to Blooger anymore, I just don't feel as obligated to blog. Hopefully that'll change (but that's not the first time I've said that!).

Here's what's been happening in a nut shell:

*Tommy has been SO busy with the play he is in. It's called 'Rumors' and OMG. HILARIOUS! I saw it this last Friday and am also going again on Sunday afternoon. We're so very happy he'll be home more often. Brogan and I have really missed our time with him. This Thursday night, my MIL is keeping Brogan over night so us lovebirds can have some alone time. I'd love to say we're going on a romantic date but I have a feeling that we'll either stay home and lounge on the couch, or go do some crazy Christmas shopping (which I'm almost done with, thankyouverymuch!).

*Tommy and I have had some ups and downs lately, if I'm being honest, and we really have figured some things out. Our relationship is so much stronger than it was even 3 weeks ago. I love him more than words can say and I'm so thankful for my husband!

*Brogan is sill on. the. go. CONSTANTLY! But I love every second! There are evenings when all I wanna do is not play the mom and just go to bed right when I get home. But then I think that he isn't as tired as me and totally deserves 100%! We have so much fun together and he truly is a gift from God.

*Saturday, we had our Christmas card pictures taken by our sweet friend Sara. She took them last year too and they turned out great! I'm so excited to get them edited and get our cards ordered!

*This last Sunday was my niece Sloan's baptism. My sister and BIL asked if I'd be her Godmother and I was so honored! Hopefully I can get pictures uploaded this week. She wore the baptismal gown that all 4 of us kids wore (even my brothers). She looked darling!

*I'm SO excited for Thanksgiving and Christmas! I want to decorate for Christmas RIGHT NOW but Tommy put his foot down and said that it's not appropriate till after Thanksgiving. I had my pout session, but I'll deal. He did say, however, that if it happens to snow before next Thursday, that I could at least get out my stuff that's more 'wintery', like my snowmen and such. I did get some new decor for our tree and I'm so excited to get it all put together!

*This coming Saturday, us Diva's are meeting at a local coffee shop for breakfast before we go to Chelsey's house to craft! We're making onsies for our girlfriend Melisa's bundle of joy, Delaney! She's due in December and will no doubt be an absolute doll baby!

I can't think of much more to gab about! I'm sure as the holidays get closer, I'll have much more to blog about!

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