Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No More Binky For Piggy, or Brogan.

One of our fave books right now is "No More Pacifier For Piggy" but we change the words. We say No More Binkie for flows better and Brogan calls his pacifier a binkie.


Since Saturday, Brogan has asked maybe once a day for his binkie. He doesn't cry and whine about it anymore; just asks where it is. He's been sleeping through the night just fine and naps are getting a tad bit better. I'm SO super proud of our little guy! I think that Saturday for his "week anniversary", I'm gonna do something fun with him!

I'm gonna leave you with some pictures that have become my favorites lately!

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1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! Go Brogan!!! =)

    Sounds like he is doing great without his binkie! What a big boy. And I love that book you found...might have to pick that up for my next go-around!!
