Thursday, April 16, 2009

Oh the shananigans...

Today I had the pleasure of going to lunch with one of my best girlfriendsm Molly, and of course, our favorite boy! We went to THE BEST PLACE EVER--Chipolte! I haven't been there since I was pregnant with Brogan and it was something that I desperately needed ;) It was super delicious and the company was wonderful! I had to laugh when I left my awesome lunch because I realized, when me and Molly get together we tend to spot the most OUTRAGEOUS people and talk about them. Oops...definitely not something that looks good on a resume, but whatev! I mean, if you would've seen some of the people, heard some of the conversations, or witnessed some of their stupid behavior, you totally would've joined us in our snickering. This probably makes us look shallow and rude, but I KNOW everyone does it and I've already asked for forgiveness :)

I hope someone made you giggle today!



  1. Love it!! Let's just start referring to ourselves as "Double Trouble" ha ha!!

  2. Lol don't worry, my friends and I do that too, we feel bad, but it's too funny to stop!

  3. Isn't there some sort of nutrition rule or guideline that requires consumption of food from Chipotle at least once a week? That is the rule that we go by at our house!

    I am enjoying your blog!

  4. Isn't there some sort of nutrition rule or guideline that requires you eat food from Chipotle at least once a week? I know it is a rule we try to follow at my house!

    I am enjoying your blog!
